Providing : Custom Website Design & Custom PHP Application Development.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do you wish to cancel your Website Hosting and Close your Website?

It is inevitable that websites come and go and if yours is one that's going then you have a few options available, depending on if you wish to keep a copy of your website:
  1. We can archive it (using compression like PKZIP) and make it available for you to download from your website before the website is closed.
  2. We can burn a copy of your website to CD-ROM and post it to you. Your website will not run from the cd-rom but you will then have a copy if you ever wish to re-open your website.
With the hosting fees, you will receive a pro-rata refund for the number of months remaining. Unfortunately though the domain name fees are either yearly or bi-yearly. This means we can not obtain a refund on that portion of the hosting costs, so we can not offer a 100% refund of the monthly hosting fee, but you should still receive a large portion of it, depending on how many months remain on the domain name registration.

If there are any fees outstanding you will be sent an invoice. Please be aware that when you close your website you also lose any email accounts associated with that domain name. Also be aware that the domain name can't be canceled. All it can do is sit there until it reaches the assigned expiry date. Domain Name Registrars do not offer refunds even if the Domain name is not in use.

FAQ Categories

  1) How To / Setup
  2) Website Design
  3) Website Hosting
  4) Website Management
  5) Technical Support
  6) Ordering
  7) Photography
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Bout Time Software.

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